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Ashton Langham

Game Master


Hi! I’m Ashton (he/him), I’m glad you found your way to my profile!

I’m 33 years old, from Two Rivers… I mean South Carolina, and I’ve been running games for 8 years. I have a degree in Theatre and I’m pretty sure my professors never imagined I would use it the way I do.

I primarily run D&D 5e campaigns but I’ve been branching out into other systems more and sometimes incorporate fun rules from other games into my D&D campaigns (if my players are into it).

I love running games for new players and vets alike. I’ve taught many people from scratch and seeing them blossom as role players is one of my favorite parts of GMing. I also have the game knowledge, wit, and flexibility too keep my more experienced players entertained and engaged.

As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community I strive to make my games inclusive and diverse. Everyone is welcome at my table, it is a safe space for queer people and allies alike.

My TTRPG philosophy: That we are gathered to tell a cool story and have a good time doing it. I love the concept from Dungeon World: that GMs should be, first and foremost, a “fan of the [player’s] characters” and I take that to heart. I get so excited when the PCs do cool stuff and I love setting up situations for them to grow and learn about themselves.

I read a lot, I find it influences my GMing so it feels worth mentioning. My favorite fantasy series include Wheel of Time, The Broken Earth Trilogy, and just about every book in Brandon Sanderson’s “Cosmere.”

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. I have a number of ongoing campaigns with only a few seats currently open. I usually run published 5e content but I have a couple of homebrew campaigns up my sleeve and I’m open to running more customized campaigns. If you have a group in need of a GM reach out and we can discuss our options. I’m open to running long term campaigns (usually lasting a year) and short ones (3-5 sessions).

Ashton's Upcoming Games

curse of strahd

Curse of Strahd

Dungeons & Dragons 5th ed
Next session:

$20.00 / week

2 of 6 seats available
GM Playstyle
HorrorSword & Sorcery
Discord Video/AudioFoundry VTT

Ghosts of Saltmarsh

Dungeons & Dragons 5th ed
Next session:

$20.00 / week

All seats are full.
GM Playstyle
FantasySword & Sorcery
Discord Video/AudioRoll20 VTT

Ghosts of Saltmarsh

Dungeons & Dragons 5th ed
Next session:

$20.00 / week

All seats are full.
GM Playstyle
HorrorSword & Sorcery
Discord Video/AudioRoll20 VTT

Kingmaker Homebrew (Table is full)

Dungeons & Dragons 5th ed
Next session:

$20.00 / week

All seats are full.
GM Playstyle
FantasyScience Fiction
Discord Video/AudioRoll20 VTT


4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 12 reviews)
Very good8%


August 29, 2024

Ashton prioritized each player’s experience over his own. He’s extremely creative and generates a pathway for each player to enjoy the experience. Instead of monitoring and controlling everyone’s experience, he suggests ways to circumvent toxicity between players by offering alternatives to overpowered features or spells that eliminate future issues.

Ashton trusts his players to do the right thing and has no problem leveling with you when he thinks otherwise. He will also work with you to flesh out your character the way you imagined them instead of building your character around game mechanics and challenges.

He came up with ideas for my character that I really loved and I thoroughly enjoyed my experience playing with him. In the last 6 years Ashton has been the ABSOLUTE BEST DM I have and probably will ever have the opportunity to play with.

The only thing I don’t like very much are the overly simplified maps, but this could be due to the campaign itself. I’ve never DM’d so I do not know what tools are at his disposal there.


A great DM, just not very punctual

February 14, 2024

Ashton is a really creative DM, and a great storyteller. I always felt comfortable in his games and he runs the most inclusive campaigns I’ve experienced, welcoming all folks equally. Ashton is also very reasonable when interpreting the rules of 5e. I only give 3 stars because he slept through the times for a few sessions and just dropped our campaign in the end, so we never got to finish it.


A Maven of (Dugeon)Mastery

October 29, 2023

Ashton is an LGBTQIA+ inclusive DM, and an excellent pick for beginners like me. His knowledge of D&D is expansive, and yet, he brings exciting homebrew elements to the mix and isn’t so “stuck on the rules” – allowing lively, creative stories to collaboratively unfold!

PatrickLyra Wilder


October 17, 2023

Ashton is a wonderful DM, he’s very good at working with players when it comes to using homebrew stuff or wanting to alter something, is very patient w/ players, tries to make sure everyone gets a chance to get what they want done in a session, and is very very patient.

Shane (verified owner)

His goal is for the players to have a good time :)

October 13, 2023

He’s the best guy arouuuuund

*what about the characters he murdered?*


(They SAY he murdered…)

Seriously, he’s a wonderful DM with a lot of experience in making sure everyone has a good time. If you come with a backstory, he will work your backstory into the campaign with real and lasting consequences, which is so fun. I love playing with him every week!

Katie Pebley (verified owner)

Knows his stuff

October 13, 2023

Ashton knows the rules well enough to know when to bend them to keep the game fun and players feeling like it’s not just roll n’ tell. He brings everyone into the game and makes everyone welcome.


Makes everyone feel welcomed and engaged in the story

October 12, 2023

Introduction: I was new to D&D when I started rolling the dice with Ashton just a little over two years ago. Since then, I’ve participated in two year-long campaigns and a couple of one-shot adventures.


* Narrative Skills: Ashton is a solid storyteller. His excitement for how our characters will react to his scenarios is infectious. I’ve been a personal fan of the many “voices” and “accents” he applies to the NPCs in the game; it makes things more entertaining.

* Character Development: My first character had a thin back-story and Ashton helped me find many opportunities to make that character my own. I put more effort into my second character’s back-story, and I enjoyed how Ashton would modify aspects of our campaign’s story to incorporate my ideas. He did a fantastic job doing that for all the players in our sessions.

* Mechanics: Ashton is truly a student of the game and takes a lot of pride in delivering a consistent application of the rules and game mechanics.

* Environment and World-Building: We played pre-built modules for both campaigns, but Ashton added his own flair to the content to make it a more rich and personalized experience for us. He would add in his own home-brewed NPCs to the world and the group would genuinely want to get to know these characters more and interact with them.

* Communication: I’m not going to lie, our little group would produce some bizarre scenarios to play out and in general, Ashton was a great sport at playing along. But at the same time, he came in firm and fair when he needed to squash some ideas that were a little too far out there.

* Challenges: I genuinely enjoyed all aspects of the game that he orchestrated, from general role-play, to puzzles, and combat.

Areas for Improvement:

* If there was any area of improvement, the critique would fall on my group instead of Ashton as a DM. We tend to “take our time” going through scenarios and things can get a bit drawn out. While our group tends to take our time, perhaps Ashton could occasionally guide us to keep the pace up. However, he’s commendable for letting the story unfold naturally.

Conclusion: Learning D&D from scratch can be overwhelming. Add on top of that all the technical items involved with remote sessions. In addition to being a stellar DM, Ashton is amazingly patient with the players new to the game and those of us unfamiliar with the software used for the on-line sessions. I couldn’t be happier with our little group, and I am planning to join up for my third campaign with this guy.

Rating: I can confidently say I’d give Ashton a 10 out of 10. Anyone lucky enough to play a session with Ashton is in for a treat

Jason Tennant (verified owner)

Collaborative Mastery: Ashton's Kingmaker Oddyssey

October 12, 2023

Whisked to a vivid new realm, Ashton’s homebrew campaign is a masterclass in adaptability and immersive role-playing, celebrating player agency and intricate world-building.

Playing in Ashton’s homebrew Kingmaker campaign has been a role-playing revelation. From the moment our characters were whisked away to this otherworldly realm, every session has been a rich tapestry of intricate NPC dynamics, unexpected plot twists, and deeply immersive character interactions. Ashton’s brilliance lies not just in his world-building, but also in the way he encourages and embraces player-driven role play. He has an uncanny ability to adapt and weave our spontaneous decisions seamlessly into the overarching narrative. Each game feels like a collaborative masterpiece, a testament to his skills as a DM. Truly, this campaign is a hallmark of what D&D should be

Dara Tressler (verified owner)

A masterful DM experience with Ashton

October 12, 2023

This is my 6th campaign with Ashton, and journeying through the ‘Curse of Strahd’ has solidified my admiration for his skills as a Dungeon Master. His storytelling and role-playing capabilities are second to none, vividly painting the haunting landscapes of Barovia and it’s inhabitants in our minds. His thorough grasp of the rules ensures every encounter is not only challenging but also impeccably balanced. Ashton’s fairness and vast understanding of D&D mechanics make every session both an immersive narrative and a masterclass in gameplay. A toast to a DM who excels in every facet of the role!

The Curse of Strahd maps and vtt are really impressive and really immersive…I feel like I’m really there!

Dara Tressler

Fun and Welcoming

October 12, 2023

I recently started my third(!) campaign with Ashton and have honestly nothing but good things to say. Ashton is a super cool DM who is open to new ideas and making the campaigns unique to the players. He makes big and small changes to the modules that make them more interesting and fun to play. His table is welcoming, flexible, and great for anyone who is still learning the game (and veteran players). D&D is place for me to unwind and have fun and I definitely can do that in Ashton’s games.

Raine (verified owner)


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