
Learn to Play Cyberpunk 2020 – One Shot at the Forlorn Hope /// Return to Night City



GM Playstyle

Leans Combat

Event Details

CyberpunkNew Player SpecificOne-Time


Discord Video/AudioRoll20 VTT
4 of 6 seats available

About the Adventure

Tucked away in one corner, among the few remaining buildings of a previous era, on the south side of Night City, there is a bar. It isn’t frequented by the corporate lunch set. It’s not a ganger hangout. It’s a Solo bar. Edge-runners seek the company of their own kind, a place where the only code of behavior is their own. Where people understand why your eyes are always searching the room, never resting on one thing for more than a few seconds. Where people understand when you get a sudden case of the shakes. They don’t condescend or make you explain. They’ve been there before. Just a nod, a pat on the back and another drink. You’ll be there when it catches up with them. That’s what the customers are looking for. The neon above the door says “The Forlorn Hope”.

They may not have advertised in the Yellow Pages, but the bar is something of a legend among Solos, Nomads, Net-runners, and others who like to live on the edge. It is said that once you’ve been accepted here, you never have to prove yourself again. I was intrigued by what I’d heard, and since I was going to be passing through Night City on this tour, I decided to check it out.

Cyberpunk is the classic role-playing game of the dark future. Expect to lose your character’s life quickly if you’re not too careful. The world of cyberpunk is a violent, dangerous place, filled with people who’d love to rip your arm off and eat it. The traditional concepts of good and evil are replaced by the values of expedience. You do what you have to do to survive. If you can do some good along the way, great. But don’t count on it.

Playing your character with the proper disaffected, cynical-yet-idealistic style, whether you’re a biker with leather skin and metal claws, or a debutante in satin, sporting the latest in designer cyber-optics, you’re going to need a certain panache, a certain flair, in portraying yourself. To achieve the essence of the dark future you will need to bring to the table your mastery of three concepts:

Style Over Substance – It doesn’t matter how well you do something if you don’t look good while doing it. If you’re going to blow it, make sure it looks like you planned it that way. How you look means more than the words you say in this world.

Attitude is Everything – Swagger, give them your best “killer” look. Don’t just sit around your flat or cube waiting for the next job. Get on out and make sure you’re where the party starts.

Always Take it to the Edge – Never play it too safe. Risk it all for a cause. Start the rebellion, light the fire. Throw yourself against the danger and fight for big issues! Break the Rules!

Materials provided:

Maps Pre-generated Characters, NPCs, Discord Channel, Roll20 link

Who will like this game?

You will love this game if you enjoy science fiction themes and an easy to learn system of play. If you can roll a randomized set of dice, then in matters where an element of chance is used to determine game outcomes, you will have the opportunity to test your skills and luck. Exploring the cyberpunk world and Forlorn Hope venue in particular offers a variety of interactions with various other patrons and opportunities to discuss in game freelance “work”. This game session features character generation possibilities for those interested in exploring that option.  We will go over the rules for character generation and get a chance to develop our character’s back story and how they are connected to the scene.

Character Creation Guidelines
Standard CP2020 rules apply, and players are welcome to bring their self generated characters to the game. Contact me to gain access to your very own character sheet. For those unfamiliar with character creation using this game rule set, we will work together on it and get it done pretty quickly so you can start playing right away.  We will learn the rules together and immediately apply them in a sandbox style world that you can explore with other players.

Trigger warnings galore:

Game themes may include topics such as mind altering tech, drugs, addiction, human sacrifice, speciesism, racism, and other forms of prejudice, prostitution, violence, robbery, torture, murder, and more. These themes will be disclosed to you, to the best of the host’s ability, during the “session zero” pre-game conversation, new player onboarding, and/or in the event description. While some topics may arise through player decision/action within the gaming world, hosts will make a sincere attempt to brief players on possibly sensitive topics beforehand.


5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 2 reviews)
Very good0%

Pretty excellent

September 6, 2024

Ran 3 or 4 sessions with Sno now. Really good DM and the minor issue I did have was explained to me in a clear way so I could understand his perspective.

Bill (verified owner)

Great introduction to Cyberpunk

July 15, 2024

Had the chance to run a bit of the introductory one shot that Snohomish set up of for our group and truly enjoyed it. Snohomish helped us set up our characters and explain most of the mechanics we had questions with as well as provide us with the necessary tools to run the campaign via Roll20. Plug in all the information to roll20 and the cyberpunk character creation tool they had was so convenient as when you had to roll for something you could just click that specific skill on the character sheet and include modifiers. As for the campaign one shot, we had a nice introduction to Night city including some of the lore and characters in the overall game world. Overall enjoyed the campaign as well as all the help and tools we used.



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