an imaginative 1

Weekend Worldbuilding with Microscope



GM Playstyle

Leans Exploration

Event Details



4 of 4 seats available

About the Adventure

Microscope is a cooperative storytelling game of epic histories, capable of creating timelines that span galaxies, the rise and fall of a single kingdom, or just the moments between raindrops of a passing storm. It is more than a worldbuilder, it is a universe builder, filled with bold eras, impactful events, and intimate moments all wrapped into one. There are no dice, no cards, no character sheets, just your collective ideas creating a rich universe of stories and connections.

The story we tell will be up to all of you, discussing and creating together as a group. A single Focus may emerge and dominate the story, filled with details and nuance, or our timeline could be dotted with dozens of important moments that we only have a surface level understanding of.

Microscope is great for players that enjoy telling stories, exploring new ideas, and collaborating with others to create something new and unique.

What I Provide:

Upon sign up, please send me a message using the “Contact” button or through the RPG Club Discord so I can get you access to the Player Reference folder where you can find the Microscope Player Guide as well as the full rules. I will act as Moderator, taking notes, keeping the timeline in chronological order, and guiding players through the turns. We will use Zoom for video and audio, and Whiteboard Online for the timeline, which will be saved and stored in the Player Reference folder for everyone to access later.

What You Need: 

A webcam, a mic, and your creativity.

This one-shot is expected to run about 3 hours, depending on number of players.

Please feel free to reach out to me with the “Contact” icon above so I can answer any questions you may have.


5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 11 reviews)
Very good0%

Fantastic worldbuilding session

May 7, 2024

I played a worldbuilding game with Jeremy, and it was fantastic. I was completely new to the game, and new to worldbuilding games in general. Jeremy lead the session expertly, giving enough detail and direction to get us started while allowing us players to brainstorm and be creative with our build. He was kind and patient, and he knew just when to step in if we needed help. He has a great sense of humor, there was a lot of laughter as we played. I’m looking forward to the next chance I’ll have to play one of his games again. Thanks Jeremy!


Highlight of my week, playing a scoundrel.

February 16, 2024

Jeremy is a great DM, and I look forward to every game with him. He engages the player and seems to be a genuine fan of the PCs, even as they smash headlong through a score like bulls in a china shop!

Benny M (verified owner)

A fearless GM

February 11, 2024

Jeremy knows how to build worlds, tell stories, and engage players. He is especially good at meeting players where they are at. If you want silliness, he’s your guy. If you want serious, high-stakes drama, he’s your guy. If you want long-term character growth, he’s your guy. Any type of game and any type of story, you won’t regret having Jeremy guide you through it.

Chris D (verified owner)

Total pro -- smooth, seemless and exciting gameplay

February 2, 2024

Jeremy does a great job with Blades in the Dark! He has clearly planned ahead, has a brilliant mind for imagining scenarios that are appropriate to the roll of the dice, and makes each session fun for players.

I love Thursdays night Blades, and playing with Jeremy is a highlight!

Jarrod D. (verified owner)

"World-building" is too dry of a term, this deserves more... Epic Lore??

December 21, 2023

It’s hard to put into words how mesmerizing and inspiring this game session was. With zero “action” built into the game rules, we had so much happen in the world of the people we channeled as we told our interwoven, collaborative story. And this was such a success because of this DM’s hard work of supporting players’ imaginations (and lending his in a pinch), record-keeping, making sure that group dynamics worked well… I could honestly appreciate how intense it must have been to run such a storytelling-heavy game, yet as a player it felt effortless for me to be creative, and just to HAVE FUN

MS (verified owner)


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